SG Metrofood
The METROFOOD subgroup promotes inter-laboratory activities for elemental analysis of candidate Reference Materials (RMs):

- RM- Rice Flour;
- RM- Rice Grain;
- RM- Oyster.
The aim of SG METROFOOD is to pull together transversal activities within WG2, WG3 and WG4 to achieve the following objectives and activities.

Within WG3
- To increase the capability of TXRF application on food and improve the methodology for the assessment of sample preparation strategies and TXRF measurements for screening, quality control and safety analysis.

In Collaboration with WG4
- Analysis of Reference Materials (RM) by other spectroscopic techniques;
- Comparison of analytical performances.
- To develop optimized protocols for TXRF analysis of foodstuff;
- To enhance the validated protocols and proposing new ISO Standards.

- Collaborating to build up the physical infrastructure within METROFOOD-RI – infrastructure for promoting Metrology in Food and Nutrition: with specific reference to Food Quality & Safety (;
- Providing TXRF data devoted to the characterisation of RMs;
- Preparation of standard operating procedures from sample preparation, qualitative and quantitative analysis, uncertainty estimation in TXRF measurements.