WG2: Metrology and Standardisation
Leaders: D. Eichert [IT] & T.P.A. Hase [UK]
The main goal of the WG2 “Metrology and Standardisation” is to help in establishing TXRF as a reference/ certified technique for reliable elemental analysis, both for screening and accurate quantitative determination.

- To describe TXRF workflow and its domains of applicability.
- To validate protocols for sample preparation, measurement conditions and TXRF analysis by means of inter-laboratory studies and comparison with other independent techniques.
- To ensure the quality and validity of quantification procedures, via monitoring the repeatability, reproducibility and accuracy of the proposed protocols (good laboratory and quality management practices).
- To enhance technical standards, standard operating procedures, norms (pre-normative activities) and EC regulations, and to provide input to standardisation bodies and metrology institutes, also within the frame of ISO.

- Development of a common definition of the state of the art for TXRF.
- Review and update of TXRF related standardisation and exploitation activities.
- Review and definition of the availability of standards, reference materials and certified reference materials, and their qualified applications for e.g. instrumentation requirements, quality control and quality assurance, or analytical services in order to support the competitiveness of industries.
- Survey and questionnaire to stakeholders to outline standardisation needs.
- Joining the separate approaches of chemical and physical traceability needed to propose TXRF as a primary chemical method.
- Defining and scoping documents for inter-laboratories studies.
- Coordination of inter-laboratory studies and joint experimentation at the European and Worldwide level of different samples, defined as critical by current regulation bodies.
- Quality assurance, robustness and traceability of analyses results.
- Proposing new standards to be developed, and update on the existing standards.
- Connecting and strengthening collaborations among European and International scientists and experts with different backgrounds to create an accessible pool of competences consortia for researchers.
- Developing a realistic TXRF road map by identification of the needs and barriers related to cost and performances.
International Scientific Cooperation & Networking
- Engaging industrial, metrology institute and academia stakeholders.
- Ensuring bridges with liaison bodies such as standardization entities (ISO, CEN, and corresponding National standardisation bodies), regulation entities (European Commission), pre-normative research networks (VAMAS), Consultative Committee for Amount of Substance (CCQM), metrology institutes and stakeholders.
Dissemination & Training
- Organization of dissemination events such as Conferences and training Schools, sessions and workshops dedicated to metrology and standardisation.
Diane Eichert:
Thomas P.A. Hase: