WG1: Instrumentation, modelling, data evaluation and software
- To enable equal access to research infrastructures instrumentation and facilities;
- To understand the most relevant issues about measurements, software and data analysis affecting the quality of results.
Detailed objectives
- Collection of information about participants, research topics, instrumentation, experience.
- Definition of the state of the art, literature and topics of experience of participants
- Briefly review terminology, fields of TXRF applications and challenges
- Identification of the most relevant infrastructures in EU and IPC-NNC where TXRF is available for external users and collection of contacts
- Coordination and facilitation of the presence of members having limited access to capacity building infrastructures (TXRF & Synchrotron radiation facilities);
- Understanding differences and cause-effects relations among sample matrix, residues mass and shape, and quantitative results, focusing on absorption and saturation effects;
- To assure traceability of the TXRF results.
Subgroup 1: Experimental parameters & instrumentation
Subgroup 1 leader: Christina Streli (Atominstitut, Technical University, Vienna, Austria)
Topics: Description of the different parameters to be taken into consideration (beam divergence, stability, elemental ranges to be probed, beam to sample to detector distances and uncertainty introduced by not illuminating the whole sample.

Subgroup 2: Available software for TXRF
Subgroup 2 leader: Giancarlo Pepponi (FBK- CMM – Micro Nano Facility, Trento, Italy)
Topics: Application of a few reference spectra to be used as a problem to be analysed with the different existing software packages. The spectra to be used should present high/low statistics; different elemental ranges; acquired with different systems in order to test the deconvolution capabilities of the software. Moreover, the chosen spectra should present few elements and also difficult deconvolution situations.

Subgroup 3: Data analysis & Concentration calibration procedure
Topics: evaluation of external vs internal calibration, LOD/LOQ, sensitivity, angular calibration, energy calibration

José Paulo Santos: jps@fct.unl.pt
Sofia Pessanha: sofia.pessanha@fct.unl.pt