TXRF Journal Club


This Journal Club is born to keep in contact and exchange research on a regular basis among the “Friends of TXRF”.

As you are all aware, and most of you are directly impacted, many Universities and other entities are greatly scaling back their on-site activities because of COVID-19, in addition to the numerous conference cancellations. The slowing of research and research collaborations has a negative effect on progress for all of us, but especially for the training of our students.

You are invited to attend a monthly 45 minute *remote* academic journal club lecture and 15 minutes of discussion on research in TXRF, broadly defined. This will be done under the umbrella of the EU COST Action CA18130 ENFORCE-TXRF initiative and is open to everyone interested in TXRF.

One lecture each month and senior lectures presenting two months in a row and the third month dedicated to Early Career Researchers talks are planned.

Subjects welcome, will be original research, a discussion of a research paper, or an instrument or beamline, or a theory, or the history of TXRF. Anything that interests you and will help broaden exposure to TXRF for our students.

The lectures will be made available to anyone in real time on Zoom (up to 300 participants), where questions and comments can be posed, and then later by public posting of the recording on the Action YouTube channel. Hence, anyone who participates should expect that they are doing so in a public, recorded forum.

Your feedback is much appreciated, as will be your participation and participation of your postdocs and senior grad students.


July 2023

Speaker #1: Prof. Dr. em. Jun Kawai, 河合潤, Jun Kawai, Professor Emeritus, Kyoto University
Title: “Reciprocity theorem in X-ray reflection and how the TXRF began”
Speaker #2: Prof. Dr. Nand Lal Mishra, Ex SO/H and Head X-ray Spectroscopy Section, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre and ex-Prof. Homi Bhabha National Institute, Mumbai, India
Title: “TXRF Analysis: Advantages, Applications, Limitations and Future Perspective”
Day and time: Thursday July 27th: 05:00 Chicago (CDT) 06:00 Toronto (EDT), 12:00 Berlin (CEST), 15:30 Mumbai (IST), 18:00 Ulaanbaatar (ULAT), 19:00 Tokyo (JST)
Zoom link and abstract available: click here to access.
Recorded event on YouTube:

MARCH 2023

Speaker: Prof. Dr. Shinsuke Kunimura, Department of Industrial Chemistry , Tokyo University
of Science, Tokyo, Japan
Title: “Preparation of a small dry residue from a large volume droplet of a water sample
for TXRF analysis”
Day and time: Thursday March 23rd: 05:00 Chicago (CDT) 06:00 Toronto (EDT), 11:00 Berlin
(CET), 15:30 Mumbai (IST), 18:00 Ulaanbaatar (ULAT), 19:00 Tokyo (JST)
Zoom link and abstract available: click here to access.
This is a live only event.


Speaker: Dr. Dieter Ingerle, Austria TU Vienna
Co-authors: Giancarlo Pepponi, Peter Wobrauschek, Christina Streli
Title: “GIXRF (and XRR) for the nondestructive characterization of nanomaterials in the laboratory”
Day and time: October27th (Thursday), 2022 : 07:00 Chicago (CDT) 08:00 Toronto (EDT),
14:00 Berlin (CEST), 17:30 Mumbai (IST), 20:00 Irkutsk (IRKT), 21:00 Tokyo (JST)
Zoom link and abstract available: click here to access.
Recorded event on YouTube:

September 2022

Speaker: Shiro Hara, AIST, Japan
Title: “Minimal Fab with brand-new contamination control method”
Day and time: September 8th (Thursday), 2022 : 05:00 Chicago (CDT) 06:00 Toronto (EDT), 12:00 Berlin (CEST), 15:30 Mumbai (IST), 18:00 Irkutsk (IRKT), 19:00 Tokyo (JST)
Zoom link and abstract available: click here to access.
Recorded event on YouTube:

June 2022

Speaker: Drs. Inmaculada De la Calle, Centro de Investigación Mariña, Universidade
de Vigo, Departamento de Química Analítica e Alimentaria, Vigo (Spain).
Title: “Preconcentration strategies based on nanomaterials suitable for TXRF”
Day and time: Thursday June 16th: 06:00 Chicago (CDT) 07:00 Toronto (EDT), 08:00 Buenos Aires (ART), 12:00 Lisbon (WEST), 13:00 Berlin (CEST), 16:30 Mumbai (IST), 19:00 Irkutsk(IRKT), 20:00 Tokyo (JST)
Zoom link: click here to access
Abstract available: click here to access
Recorded event on YouTube:

may 2022

Speaker: Dr. Manoj K. Tiwari, Synchrotrons Utilisation Section, Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced Technology, Indore-452013, India
Title: “Effect of particle size and temporal coherence properties of primary X-ray beam in the TXRF analysis”.
Day and time: Thursday May 19th: 05:00 Chicago (CDT) 06:00 Toronto (EDT), 07:00 Buenos Aires (ART), 11:00 Lisbon (WEST), 12:00 Berlin (CEST), 15:30 Mumbai (IST), 18:00 Irkutsk (IRKT), 19:00 Tokyo (JST)
Zoom link and abstract available: click here to access
Recorded event on YouTube:

march 2022

Speaker:Prof. Dr. Martina Schmeling, Loyola University, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Chicago, IL, USA
TitleAerosol Analysis in Chicago using TXRF – A Retrospective
Day and time: Thursday March 24th at: 08:00 Chicago (CDT), 09:00 Toronto (EDT), 10:00 Buenos Aires (ART), 13:00 Lisbon (WET), 14:00 Berlin (CET), 18:30 Mumbai (IST), 21:00 Irkutsk (UTC+8), 22:00 Tokyo (JST)
Zoom link and abstract available: click here to access
Recorded event on YouTube:

February 2022

Speaker: Dr. Stefan Seeger, Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung BAM, Berlin, German
Title: “Analysis of air pollutants in ambient and indoor aerosols by TXRF”
Day and time: Thursday February 24th at 6:00 Chicago (CST) 07:00 Toronto (EST), 09:00 Buenos Aires (ART), 12:00 Lisbon (WET), 13:00 Berlin (CET), 17:30 Mumbai (IST), 20:00 Irkutsk (IRKT), 21:00 Tokyo (JST)
Zoom link and abstract available: click here to access.
Recorded event on YouTube

January 2022

Speaker: Prof. Dr. Ana Pejović-Milić, Department of Physics, Ryerson University, Toronto, ON, Canada
Co-authors: Gabriella Makovskii and Natasha Hedden
Title: “Role of Total Reflection X-ray Spectrometry in Nanomedicine”
Day and time: Thursday January 27th at 09:00 Chicago (CST), 10:00 Toronto (EST), 16:00 Berlin (CET), 20:30 Mumbai (IST), 23:00 Irkutsk (IRKT), 24:00 Tokyo (JST)
Zoom link and abstract available: click here to access.
Recorded event on YouTube

December 2021

Speaker: Prof. Dr. Eva Margui, Department of Chemistry, University of Girona (UdG). Spain
Title: “Applicability of TXRF for element and nanoparticles determination in soil samples and solutions related to geochemical studies”.
Day and time: Friday December 17th at. 07:30 Toronto (EST), 09:30 Buenos Aires (UTC-3), 12:30 Lisbon (WET), 13:30 Berlin (CET), 18:00 Mumbai (IST), 20:30 Irkutsk (UTC+8), 21:30 Tokyo (JST)
Zoom link and abstract available: Click here to acess.
Recorded event on YouTube: click here to view the video.

November 2021

Speaker: Dr. Galina Paskova and Dr. Victor Chubarov, Research Center of the Earth Crust, Irkutsk, Russia.
Title: “TXRF vs. WDXRF: examples of applications to different matrices composition”.
Day and time: Thursday November 25th at.05:00 Toronto (EST), 07:00 Buenos Aires (UTC-3), 10:00 Lisbon (WET), 11:00 Berlin (CET), 15:30 Mumbai (IST), 18:00 Irkutsk (UTC+8), 19:00 Tokyo (JST).
Zoom link and abstract available: click here to access.
Recorded event on YouTube: click here to view the video

October 2021

Speaker: Dr. János Osán, senior research fellow, Environmental Physics Department, Centre for Energy Research, Budapest, Hungary
Title: “Characterization of size-fractionated aerosol particles using TXRF and TXRF-XANES”
Day and time: Thursday October 28th at 07:00 Chicago (CDT) – 08:00 Toronto (EDT) – 14:00 Berlin (CEST) – 17:30 Mumbai (IST) 21:00 Tokyo (JST)
Zoom link and abstract available: click here to access.
Recorded event on YouTube: click here to view the video.

September 2021

Speaker: Dr. Kaushik Sanyal, Scientific Officer Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai, India
Title: “Speciation studies using TXRF”
Day and time: Thursday September 23rd at 19:30 Mumbai (IST) – 09:00 Chicago (CDT) – 16:00 Berlin (CEST) – 23:00 Tokyo (JST)
Zoom link and abstract availableclick here to access.
Recorded event on YouTube: click here to view the video.

August 2021

Speaker: Dr. Burkhard Beckhoff, Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB)
Title: “Reliable TXRF Quantification and Standardization Ventures”
Day and time: Thursday August 26th at 06:30 Chicago (CDT) – 13:30 Berlin (CEST) – 20:30 Tokyo (JST)
Zoom link and abstract available: click here to access.
Recorded event on YouTube: click here to view the video.

July 2021

Speaker: Dr. Iganzio Allegretta, University of Bari, Italy.
Title: “The role of TXRF in the study of the soil-plant system”
Day and time: Friday July 23 at 09:00 Chicago (CDT) – 16:00 Berlin (CEST) – 23:00 Tokyo (JST)
Zoom link and abstract availableclick here to access.
Recorded event on YouTube: click here to view the video

June 2021

Speaker: Prof. Dr. Peter Wobrauschek, Atominsitut, TU Wien, Austria.
Title: “Light element determination and quantification from Na upwards by TXRF with dual band energy excitation with a Rh anode 35 W low power tube and a 8 µm Be window SD detector”
Co-authors: C. Streli, J. Prost and D. Krstajic
Day and time: Thursday June 24 at 12:00 Berlin (CEST) – 19:00 Tokyo (JST)
Zoom link and abstract available: click here to access.
Recorded event on YouTube: click here to view the video


Speaker: Prof. Dr. Jun Kawai, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Kyoto University, Japan.
Title: “Why the precision of TXRF quantitative analysis is not good?”
Day and time: Thursday May 20 at 12:00 Berlin (CEST) – 19:00 Tokyo (JST)
Zoom link and abstract available: click here to access.
Recorded event on YouTube: click here to view the video



Prof. Dr. Ursula Fittschen
TU Clausthal, Germany

Prof. Dr. Jun Kawai,
Kyoto University, Japan

Prof. Dr. Eva Margui,
University of Girona, Spain


Duration: 2019 March 13th →2023 September 12th

Chair Laura Borgese (IT)
Vice chair Jasna Jablan (HR)
