WG4: Performance Assessment and Data Analysis
Leaders: D. Guimaraes [PT] & SHARON O’ROURKE [IE]
- To assess the performance of TXRF methods and compare with complementary analytical techniques;
- Data analysis performance assessment of different instrumental configurations and comparison with other analytical techniques used for elemental analysis, such as AAS and ICP spectroscopy, highlighting advantages, disadvantages and possibilities of use in different application fields;
- Different data analysis approaches for TXRF.
- A booklet summarizing the terminology and briefly reviewing the field of applications and the challenges will be published in the website of the COST Action as an open source.
- Collection of information about participants, research topics, instrumentation, expertise – on going Google survey;
- Identification of stakeholders interested in this WG – suggestions already proposed by WG4 members;
- Collecting the state of the art and know-how on performance assessment and data analysis by other techniques – Organization of WG4 by topics to tackle state of the art;
- Development of joint research activities that comprise the comparison of TXRF with other techniques – Presentation of several research proposals from members including joint research activities, training schools and sub groups that will work as cross-sections between WG4 and others;
- Collecting information about local research groups age, interests, number/gender/age of involved researchers – Work group meetings and on-going google survey.
Diana Filipa Guimarães:
Sharon O’Rourke: